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Below you can see some of my games, projects, and some personal fun things I've been working on. 

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Introducing my AR Portfolio: an innovative showcase of my work in Augmented Reality. Crafted using Unity, Vuforia, C#, and Visual Studio, this personalized AR experience takes portfolio presentation to a whole new level. By simply scanning a marker, you'll unlock a world of possibilities – from watching project videos to exploring my biodata, accessing my website, and even reaching out to me with a single tap.

Tools Used: Unity, C#, AR Foundation, AR Core, Visual studio, Figma
Platform: Android
Device: Android Mobile


Panther AR is an augmented reality application created by Pixel 3i for FastLogix Automation. It was developed using Unity, AR Core, AR Foundation C#, and Visual Studio. In Panther AR, users experience virtual elements overlaid onto the real-world environment, providing a visual representation of products and their operational procedures. Users have the ability to examine products from various perspectives, study internal components, and gain insight into how different parts interact. This improved visualization enhances users' comprehension of complex concepts. Panther AR serves as a user guide, leading individuals through structured and sequential processes. Virtual overlays offer instructions, labels, or arrows, guiding users through the correct steps to follow. This step-by-step guidance ensures accurate procedure execution and minimizes errors and confusion.

My Contribution: I was responsible for creating an engaging user experience by designing and integrating various interactive elements within the augmented reality environment. 

Tools Used: Unity, C#, AR core, AR foundation Visual studio, 
Platform: Android
Device: Android Mobile

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