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Hi All, I'm Vishnu Prabhu.

An innovative XR developer with a vision to craft captivating virtual worlds and immersive experiences that transport users to new dimensions of exploration and interaction.

My journey into the XR world

  • Welcome to my world of wonder, where the realms of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and the metaverse come to life. I am Vishnu Prabhu, a Unity Developer, and my mission is to invite you on a thrilling adventure through the immersive landscapes I create.

  • My journey into the world of XR began with a curiosity about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), which quickly evolved into a full-fledged passion for creating immersive experiences. With a strong foundation in game development, I embarked on a mission to explore the limitless possibilities of AR, VR, and the emerging metaverse. My expertise lies in harnessing the power of Unity, one of the industry's leading game engines, to craft engaging and interactive XR applications.

  • My work is a testament to my dedication to the XR domain. I have contributed to a variety of XR projects, each pushing the boundaries of what's possible in these exciting realms. My creativity and technical expertise shine through in every project, whether it's developing educational VR experiences, immersive training simulations, or captivating games that transport players to new dimensions.

  • In addition to my technical skills, I am a visionary who sees XR as a medium to create virtual worlds that captivate and inspire. My aim is to build immersive environments that blur the line between reality and digital fantasy, fostering connections, learning, and entertainment in ways previously unimagined.

  • I am on a mission to shape the future of XR, and with each project I undertake, I bring us one step closer to the metaverse an interconnected digital universe where limitless adventures await.

My Recent Works 

Here are a few Projects I've worked on.

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